Mass Intentions

Guidelines for 2025 Scheduled Mass Intentions

If you have any questions about Mass Intentions, contact:

Anita Shorosky


NOTE: The stipend for a Mass Intention is $5.00 for each Mass. Each family has a limit of 12 Scheduled Mass Intentions per year.

Guidelines for 2025 Scheduled Mass Intentions
Each family has a limit of 
12 Scheduled Mass Intentions per year. Any scheduled Mass Intentions that you request throughout the year, will be counted towards these 12. If you request 12 scheduled Mass Intentions on October 11th for 2025, you have met your limit for 2025. We will not be able to schedule anymore Mass Intentions for you during 2025.

In addition, each family will only be able to schedule up to three Mass Intentions for any given Saturday/Sunday Mass for the year. For example, you may only schedule three Mass Intentions for the Sunday, 4:30 Mass for 2025. The remainder of your scheduled Mass Intentions should be for another Mass, either on a Saturday/Sunday or a weekday.
When filling out your scheduled Mass Intention form, please include the preferred date and an alternate date for each request. If neither the preferred date or alternate date are available, you will be called to provide a new date. If you only provide a preferred date and it is not available, a date will be selected for you and you will not be contacted. Calls or emails will not be made confirming your selected dates once they have been recorded. You may stop by the Reception Desk in the Parish Hall to get a final copy of your form a few weeks after you turn it in.
You may submit your scheduled Mass Intention form in-person, through the mail, or in the collection basket during weekend Masses. If you use the last option, please put the form in an envelope to the attention of Anita Shorosky.

Mass Intention forms may be found by clicking on the blue button above that says "Request for Mass Intentions," or you may request one from the Parish receptionist during business hours. Checks should be made out to Mary Queen Catholic Church. Cash is also accepted. The Mass Intention stipend is $5 per Mass for either a scheduled or unscheduled Mass Intention.
If you have used up all 12 of your Scheduled Mass Intentions during 2025, you may request an unscheduled Mass Intention, which is not published in the bulletin or said aloud during Mass. This must be done in person, at the office, during business hours.
Any questions about Mass Intentions, should be directed to Anita Shorosky at the Parish office at 281-482-1391.

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