
Come to him and receive his light! (Psalm 34:6)

Mission Statement

Our Mary Queen community, inspired by faith and love, will live, worship, teach, welcome and support one another in the imitation of Christ.

RCIA Process Description

"The Rite of Christian Initiation ... is designed for adults and children who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God's help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully." (RCIA n.1)

RCIA for Children


Carol Stuart ~281-482-1391, Ext. 333


Meeting Time: Catechetical Sessions - Sunday Morning from 9:30 - 11:00 AM

Liturgical Rites - See the Parent Handouts

Meeting Location: Parish Center


Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14)

Mission Statement

Our Mary Queen community, inspired by faith and love, will live, worship, teach, welcome and support one another in the imitation of Christ.

RCIA Process Description

What is the RCIA for children?
The RCIA for children is a process that invites any child age 7 to 16 interested in searching the Catholic Faith to discover what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. It is open to un-baptized children, children baptized in another faith, and children who may be baptized but who have not yet received their first communion and have not attended regular CCE. It is typically a two-school year process for most children in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, but every situation is unique and so we like to say that “it takes as long as it needs to take” and we are here and available to help you and your child discern their readiness.

Entry into the Church for non-baptized children has historically been at Easter at the end of the second year of formation, but again it takes as long as it needs to take. Near the end of the process, the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are celebrated all at once at the Easter Vigil for un-Baptized persons.

What is the process like?

Here at Mary Queen, the children begin their first year of formation learning about and discovering the Catholic Faith. They will become familiar with Holy Scripture in order to learn about mankind’s story and how God intervened in history. They will learn Catholic prayers, hear about Catholic Saints, and get to ask as many questions as they need in order to foster their faith. This is all done in a classroom setting or in the prayer garden or Chapel, depending on the lesson, and among similar aged children who are all seeking to become Catholic or catch up on their sacraments. On at least four times during the year; parents will be required to attend a “Family Session” with their child. This is a wonderful opportunity to journey with your child in their growing faith!

In the second year of formation, we will help you discern if your child is ready to begin attending regular CCE with their peers. If so, they will also begin to attend First Communion Preparation with their peers under our Elementary Faith Formation Director. Again, some parent involvement is required during this time of preparation.

Is a sponsor needed?

Sponsors/Godparents of these children have very important roles in this process. Sponsors and/or godparents should attend the Family sessions if possible with the children. In addition, the sponsor participates with the child at all ritual celebrations and must be present at the Rites of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.

What are the sponsor qualifications?
To qualify as a sponsor or godparent a person must be an adult age 16 or over and must be a confirmed and practicing Catholic. Proof of these qualifications may be required, such as a letter from their home parish. The parish will provide sponsors or godparents to children in certain circumstances if the situation merits.

What are the benefits of the RCIA for Children?

The RCIA for children has been adapted from the RCIA for adults and its formulation has been carefully worked out for children. The RCIA process is a powerful restoration by Vatican II of a practice first started by the early Church in the third century when many people were converting to Christianity during Constantine's rule. Since its re-establishment in the early 80's, the RCIA process has been successful in renewing the whole adult Church. It is hoped that through participation in the RCIA for children the children will be exposed to the Truth of the Catholic faith, be converted to Jesus, and be encouraged to participate more fully in the Church community. We pray that as Baptized and Confirmed Catholics they will be motivated to receive the Eucharist each week at Mass and to continue their religious education into the future so that they come to know love and serve God as practicing adult Catholics.


  • Catechetical Sessions
  • Discernment Retreats
  • Liturgical Rites

Volunteer/Service Opportunities

  • RCIA Team Member
  • RCIA Sponsor/Godparent
  • RCIA Hospitality
  • RCIA Catechesis

If you have family members who are interested in the RCIA for children and have questions, please contact Carol Stuart, Director of Elementary Faith Formation at 281-482-1391 x 333 or cstuart@maryqueenchurch.org.

RCIA for Adults


Eby Kurian, Director of Adult Faith Formation 

281-482-1391, Ext. 319 


Meeting Time: Catechetical Sessions - Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM

Celebration of the Word of God Sessions are during the 9:30 AM Mass on Sunday

Meeting Location: Parish Center


All these things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.(John 15:11)

Mission Statement

Our Mary Queen community, inspired by faith and love, will live, worship, teach, welcome and support one another in the imitation of Christ.

RCIA Process Description

What is the RCIA?
The RCIA is a process that invites any adult (age 18 or over) interested in searching the Catholic Faith to discover what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. It is also utilized in most cases where one has been Baptized Catholic but never received first Communion or Confirmation and wishes to do so. This process is accomplished in a comfortable, friendly and informal environment designed for adults. In this parish, the process accommodates inquirers beginning in the late summer. After an appropriate time of preparation, the candidate receives the Sacraments of Initiation of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil and then finishes their formation in RCIA by June following that Easter. This is not a “graduation” but rather an invitation to participate in and live a Sacramental life through the Church where conversion is always under way.

Inquiry Sessions are set to begin in September.

Below are the periods for one becoming Catholic. A team of Catechists (teachers) present sessions on various topics during the four periods of the RCIA described as follows:

  • The Precatecumenate (period 1)
    is a time for inquiry. A participant may examine the Church, its beliefs and practices, and be exposed to Scripture and its relationship to Church Tradition. All questions will be answered during this period and a participant need not make a commitment to continue into the next period
  • The Catechumenate (period 2)
    This is a time for learning more about Church teaching supported by Scripture and Tradition. By nurturing faith, a participant is lead to a "conversion of heart" and a commitment to become a follower of Christ within the Catholic Church.
  • The Purification & Enlightenment (period 3 during Lent)
    This is a time of reflection and prayer and learning about the value of Sacraments particularly of Reconciliation and of receiving the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. This period is completed by the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist).
  • A final Mystagogy period (period 4)
    This is an important time to experience a deepening of faith and to an awakening to the spiritual gifts of the Spirit at Pentecost.

A wonderful place to begin your discernment is by attending Mass on Sunday. Although non-Catholics cannot yet receive Holy Communion, you may still participate by approaching the altar with your arms crossed over your chest in order to receive a blessing. Everyone is welcome!

If you are interested in learning more about or beginning the RCIA Journey, please fill out this confidential Inquiry Form 
https://www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org/rcia-inquirer-candidate-information-form which goes directly to Eby Kurian, Director of Adult Faith Formation at 281-482-1391 x 319 or ekurian @maryqueenchurch.org


  • Catechetical Sessions
  • Celebration of the Word of God Sessions
  • Discernment Retreats
  • Liturgical Rites
  • Holy Week Retreat

Volunteer/Service Opportunities

  • RCIA Team Member
  • RCIA Sponsor/Godparent
  • RCIA Hospitality
  • RCIA Catechesis

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