Eby Kurian, Director of Adult Faith Formation
or 281-482-1391
Fall 2022 Semester of ‘That Man is You!’ (TMIY) program in Mary Queen starts on Wednesday, September 14th and will meet from 5:45 am - 7:00 am in the Main Hall.
This is the 6th Year of TMIY program in Our Parish, and this year’s theme is ‘All Things New.’
Christ didn’t say, “I make new things.” He said, “I make all things new.” The profundity of the Scriptures sets the stage for a renewal of mind and heart – a new creation story, a new Adam, a new Eve, a new covenant and even a new kingdom! Encounter God the Father. Meet your spiritual father. Enlighten your mind with spiritual truths that will help transform the world. Become a new creation in Christ and allow mercy to consume your miseries. Seize the day!
Join us for food, fellowship and faith! All men are welcome! The great thing about this program is that even if you stopped coming in the past, now you can jump into this new content!
Registration is FREE! Please contact: Eby Kurian, Director of Adult Faith Formation & RCIA to sign up - ekurian@maryqueenchurch.org or 281- 482-1391, Ext. 319.