ROAD TRIP - Vacation Bible School will take place on

June 16th-20th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

VBS is for children going into grades Kindergarten through 5th in Fall of 2025.

COST (per child, including t-shirt): $50*
*3 or more children: $150 per family

Volunteers: entering 6th Grade & above
COST: $10 for Volunteers (they are required to purchase a t-shirt)

Volunteer Set-up: Sunday, June 15th after the 9:30 AM Mass
Volunteer schedule: June 16th - 20th from 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
Volunteers will be required to go to one mandatory meeting



  • When is VBS 2025?
  • June 16th - 20th (Monday - Friday)
  • What are the hours of VBS 2025? 
  • 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • When will t-shirts be distributed?
  • T-shirts will be distributed on the first day of camp. They can be picked up from your student’s crew leaders.


  • Where will I drop off my child?
  • VBS will meet every day in the Main Hall. On the first day of VBS, we ask that you walk your child into the Main Hall. If you do not recall your child's crew color (yellow) which will be emailed to you in advance, you will sign in at the check-in table just outside the hall to receive your student’s crew color. All subsequent days, students should be dropped off directly in the Main Hall with their crew leader.
  • Where will I pick up my child?
  • Please arrive at 12PM in the Main Hall. You will need to provide your crew leader with your exit ticket – you will receive the exit ticket on the first day of VBS.


  • What is the cost?                                                                          
  • The cost is $50 per child, with a max payment of $150 per family for 3 or more children.
  • T-shirt is included for each registered student.
  • What if there is one day my child can't make it? Can we still register?         
  • Absolutely!
  • What if my friend wants to register, but they are not a Parishioner or Catholic?       
  • All are welcome! Invite a friend!
  • What should I bring?
  • A reusable water bottle labeled with your name on it.

Volunteer Questions:

  • What are some of the benefits of volunteering?                                     
  • Besides sharing God's love and having so much fun with new and old friends, teens will receive volunteer hours for whatever amount you serve. 
  • Teens will gain leadership skills and not to mention a teen-friendly special snack.
  • What if my teen can only volunteer part of the time?                               
  • We require the students to volunteer all week.
  • What is the time required for the volunteers?                                  
  • Volunteers are required to get there before and leave after the participants to help VBS run smoothly! (8:30 AM-12:30 PM)
  • Can I volunteer and be paired with a friend?
  • On our Volunteer Registration Form, there is a spot for you to write in your friend’s name. We will do our best to have this happen!

*Feel free to contact us if you have a concern!

Carol Stuart:

Andrea Richards:

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