Mission Statement
Our Mary Queen community, inspired by faith and love, will live, worship, teach, welcome and support one another in the imitation of Christ.
Ministry Description
The council is representative of the faithful, focusing on the whole community, uniting the whole community and pursuing the mission of the Church. Lay persons commit themselves to providing the best possible counsel which is a result of prayer, reflection and dialogue as well as study, research and consultation with other parishioners.
Council Functions
Don Goins
Monthly, the 3rd Thursday of each month
Mary Queen Church
The council consists of 10-12 parishioners who are nominated by other parishioners or who may be self-nominated. All nominees are required to attend a discernment meeting in October. The pastor appoints final nominees for a three (3) year term. Council members must:
We congratulate the newest members of the Mary Queen Pastoral Council: Clarissa Silva, Thomas Snyder and Lia Nguyen. They were chosen to serve a 3-year term after a Day of Discernment on Sunday, October 1st.
The following members will continue their service with the Mary Queen Pastoral Council: Ashley Birmingham, Don Goins, Leslie Buratti, Jackie Cain, Steve Elsner, Tami Jernigan, and Marek Rudak.
With much gratitude, we thank the following members for their service to our Parish over the last 3 years: Peggy Cunningham, Mary Rodriguez and Nick Simon.
2024 - 2025 Pastoral Council Members
Fr. Thomas Vellappallil, M.S. frthomas@maryqueenchurch.org
Don Goins (Chair) justdongoins@gmail.com
Steve Elsner (Co-Chair) stephenelsner@comcast.net
Ashley Birmingham abirmingham@fisdk12.net
Leslie Buratti Leslie.buratti@sothebys.realty
Jackie Cain Jcain1014@yahoo.com
Tami Jernigan Tamijern5@gmail.com
Lia Nguyen lia.b.nguyen@gmail.com
Marek Rudak
Clarissa Silva cjpsilva97@gmail.com
Thomas Snyder thomasnyder21@gmail.com
Mission Statement
To represent the body of the parish, be a communication source to and from fellow parishioners and other parish committees and be aware of and responsive to the needs of the parish.
Ministry Description
Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the archdiocesan bishop to aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods.
The parish finance council is to consist of not less than three parishioners who are Catholic and who possess experience or expertise in business, finance or law and be committed to the work of the Church. Members are appointed by the pastor for a three-year, renewable term.
Don Adam or Michael Stuart
Four times a year - varies
Fr. Thomas Vellappallil, M.S. frthomas@maryqueenchurch.org
Donna Badgett kjdmb@sbcglobal.net
Ken Bueche kbueche1@att.net
Matt Dilick mdilick@dilick.net
Ruth Eklund ruth.eklund@bxs.com
Donna Smith psu1978@gmail.com
John Silva
Michael Stuart (Co-Chair) celticstu12@gmail.com
Don Adam (Chair)
Mission Statement
The Stewardship Council fosters an environment that inspires and grows the faith and discipleship of Mary Queen Parishioners. By encountering Christ, we nurture a prayerful attitude of thanksgiving and encourage the sharing of spiritual gifts to build the Kingdom of God.
Ministry Description
As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cherish and tend to them in a responsible manner, share them in justice and love with others, and we return them with increase to the Lord. "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord." (1 Corinthians 12).
Every Mary Queen Parishioner has been given a set of Spiritual Gifts such as Mercy, Giving, Teaching or Serving that, when used with their gifts of time, talent and treasure enable each individual to help God's will be done. In addition, the Council collaborates on new and unique ways using Ministry feedback, Council ideas, guidance from the Pastoral and Administrative Staff and other Churches to promote stewardship.
Randy Waibel
Meet six times yearly, see calendar for dates and time
Mary Queen Church
The council plans and supports many activities at different times of the year. Examples include witness talks at Mass, special communication pieces about the importance of the family, hospitality/welcome events, Ministry Leads Day of Spiritual Enrichment, Mary Queen Ministry Fair and Advent Wreaths for families.
Membership & Meetings
Nominations (and self-nominations) are open yearly, and Council members are appointed by the Pastor to a 3-4 year term. The Council meets six times per year to plan activities that support, inspire and grow the faith and discipleship of parishioners.
Volunteer/Service Opportunities
We welcome your spiritual gifts, help and support. There are a number of events and activities sponsored and/or supported by the Stewardship Council. Please contact a council member below for specific details.
2024 - 2025 Stewardship Council Members
Fr. Thomas Vellappallil, M.S. frthomas@maryqueenchurch.org
Susan Bova, Recorder bovas@comcast.net
Carla Martin carlarmartin@sbcglobal.net
Michaella Nicholson, Co-Chair michaelladavis@hotmail.com
Randy Waibel, Chair randall.waibel@gmail.com
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