Women's Lenten Day of Prayer

“Draw Near and Restore”

Come spend time with other Women to DRAW NEAR AND RESTORE connecting with God and each other. Our facilitator will be Karen May - author, speaker and spiritual director with Amazing Graces.

We will gather on March 1, 2025

9:30 AM – 2:30 PM in the Main Hall

To register and pay for this event, please fill out the registration form below or see the receptionist at Mary Queen. 

The cost is $20 per person, with lunch included. 

If cost is a factor, or if you have any questions regarding the Day of Prayer, please contact Janet Wild at jwild1@gmail.com.

The deadline to register and make payment is February 28, 2025.

Women's Ministry Day of Prayer and Reflection Registration

Cost: $20 per person (lunch included)

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