If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. (Isaiah 58:10)
Believing that every human being is a child of God and should therefore be treated with kindness and dignity, we look for opportunities to support our homeless brothers and sisters in Christ.
Every day is a struggle for individuals suffering from mental illness and chemical addiction. Our Daily Bread provides guidance and structure to clients who are homeless, assisting them as they develop a plan of action to break the cycle of addiction and despair. Clients at the center are provided nutritious meals, clean clothing, the necessities of personal hygiene and a structured recovery program. A group from Mary Queen goes to Our Daily Bread on Wednesdays to prepare and serve lunch and clean up after.
CIS is a nationally recognized, nonprofit, drop-out prevention organization dedicated to helping at-risk youth in Bay Area Houston, stay in school and successfully learn to become productive future citizens. Through Communities in Schools, the ministry has adopted Clear Brook High School. We work closely with them to support students who are "educationally homeless", trying to help them meet some of their basic needs, so they can better focus on school and their future.
A faith-based, nonprofit group that fights against teenaged human trafficking in Houston. They rescue and restore teenaged sex trafficking victims by working with law enforcement and providing rescued victims with support groups, mentoring, jobs, material assistance and other direct services. They also engage and mobilize volunteers from the community while partnering with nonprofits and government agencies in the fight against modern day slavery.