Respect Life Coordinator
346-400-7328 or
Meeting Time: See Below Information
Meeting Location: See Below Information
Jesus is Life, for He said: "...I am the light of the world; he who follows me will ot walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)
We believe all life is sacred and given by God, in order that each soul created in His Divine image might give Him praise, honor and glory for all eternity. It is crucial for us as His creatures to maintain and uphold this belief that God alone is the rightful owner of life itself. Through prayer, education and action, we will promote life and work to uphold the dignity of all people and to help bring about a conversion of heart and mind so that all are open to God's special gift of life from conception to natural death.
The Respect Life Ministry welcomes parishioners and friends committed to fostering the dignity of every human life, from conception to natural death. Our focus is to promote the sacredness of all human life through prayer, healing, service and education according to the inherent principles of Catholic teaching and Sacred Scriptures. This ministry works both independently and in conjunction with several other Mary Queen ministries, and in unity with local and national Pro-life initiatives. The members work diligently and prayerfully to offer support and to foster awareness and education for the sacredness of human life, and especially to preserve innocent life.
Heavenly Father, the beauty and dignity of human life was the crowning of your creation. You further ennobled that life when your Son became one with us in his incarnation. Help us to realize the sacredness of human life and to respect it from the moment of conception until the last moment at death. Give us courage to speak with truth and love and with conviction in defense of life. Help us to extend the gentle hand of mercy and forgiveness to those who do not reverence your gift of life. To all, grant pardon for the times we have failed to be grateful for your precious gift of life or to respect it in others. We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.