Men's: Deacon Chuck Turner -
Women's: Beth Turner -
713-922-4246 or
Meeting Time: Upon Request
Meeting Location: To Be Determined
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. (Matthew 25:35-36)
Mary Queen Prison Ministry seeks to touch the lives of those incarcerated, to restore hope through the love of Jesus Christ. In response to the call and example of Christ, Mary Queen - Kolbe Prison Ministry volunteers seek to motivate and encourage prisoners, through the personal relationship with community volunteers, to help examine their lives; experience the healing forgiveness and power of God's love; and return from incarceration with a covenant commitment to personal responsibility and contribution to family and community.
• Weekly/Monthly visitation to TDCJ Prisons - Men's; Stringfellow Unit, Rosharon. Women's Carol Young Unit, Texas City
• Participate in special events at the units i.e., graduation, baptism/confirmation, special music events
• Participate in RCIA Program
• Participate in Kolbe Prison Retreats (formerly Prison ACTS)
• Weekly visits, monthly visits or as often as you are available
• Retreats as scheduled
• Once a year Confirmation Mass
• Once a year Volunteer Appreciation Dinner