Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 PM in the Parish Center, Room 120. This gathering is more than just another prayer group. Besides praying the Rosary for the needs of our country, the goal is also to be pro-active. We study the writings of the Founding Fathers of the Republic, deeply rooted in the Christian faith. We also discuss events, legislation, social trends, etc. that are shaping the country's direction and, as the Spirit moves us, to do something about it in our community! For example, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is currently before the Supreme Court. What is the Church' s position on same sex-unions? How can we make a difference by informing others? We already have two cells. Want to join? All are welcome. Contact Dana Downey for more information at 281-450-8270 or
These retreats and faith renewal experience are designed for men and women. The retreat is a great way to rediscover your faith among a community of your peers. Retreats are usually held once or twice a year for each group.
This is a group of people who are committed to a weekly hour of spending time with our Lord when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed during Eucharistic Adoration. This time can be spent in prayer, reflection, meditation, and with recitation of the Rosary, Scripture reading, journaling, or just being with the Lord. We have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM - Wednesdays at 5:45 PM in the St. Joseph Chapel of our new Church.
This group is dedicated to the honor of Our Lady of La Salette who, in her merciful apparition, asked that we pray well each day. These spirit-filled prayer sessions welcome song, communal prayer times, inspirational reflections, and personal testimonies. All are invited to share God's love and the praise of the Holy Spirit with this weekly prayer group. We meet Mondays at 7:00 PM in the St. Anne Family Room of the old Church under the direction of Brother Roger Clement, M.S. During Lent, we meet Friday evenings after Stations of the Cross. For more information, contact Brother Roger at 346-400-7328 or
This is a group of men and women who come together to support and promote vocation to the priesthood and religious life and the permanent diaconate. They work in conjunction with the Archdiocesan Vocations Office, the pastor and staff, and the local Serra Club in raising parish awareness of vocations. Meetings are three times per year. Contact Bill Clary at or 281-482-9559 for more information or to get involved with this ministry.
This group lovingly put together rosaries from kits with funds donated by parishioners. These rosaries are not only used in our parish and the local community but have been distributed throughout the world for the past 17 years. All ages are welcome to participate in the ministry from their homes.