Dylan Ramirez
281-482-1391, ext. 227
Meeting Time: See below for times
Meeting Location:Choir Room
Hymnal aids are now being provided to parishioners attending mass at Mary Queen. This aid, a single sheet of paper, is to accompany our hymnals. Listed are all the hymns and sung parts of the mass for all weekend masses; encouraging a more effective use of our pew hymnals. While this is helpful to those attending Mass in person, here is a link to our hymnal for those wishing to purchase one for use in their homes as they attend via livestream: https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/gather-third-edition-pew-with-readings-hymnal-g8000r. Please know that this hymnal contains all sung parts of the Mass, all the hymns we sing, as well as all the readings for all three church years, making it an exceptionally helpful book to accompany mass at Mary Queen.
"The faith of countless believers has been nourished by melodies flowing from the hearts of other believers... In song, faith is experienced as vibrant joy, love and confident expectation of the saving intervention of God." ~Saint Pope John Paul II
We minister the Word of God through the gift of music. In the reform and promotion of the guidelines found in Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the goal is to enable the full, conscious, and active participation of the congregation by inspiring those assembled to worship in praise and song.
Mary Queen Choir: The Mary Queen Catholic Church Choir serves at the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass, September through June. The choir provides musical leadership in worship, facilitating the participation of the entire congregation. The choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7:15 - 8:45 PM and gathers at 8:45 AM on Sunday mornings for warm-ups. All are welcome.
Cantors: Mary Queen Catholic Church cantors serve in the important dual ministries of psalmist and leader of congregational song. As psalmists, the cantors proclaim the text of the Psalm with clarity and conviction. As leaders of congregational song, the cantors facilitate the singing of the gathered assembly. The cantors are a generous and dedicated group of vocalists who give of their time in this special way. Cantors rehearse the congregational songs at the Monday evening choir practice and the psalms with the choir director at a time convenient to them. We are currently looking for new cantors to add to the team. You are invited to prayerfully consider if you are called to this ministry. Cantors need to possess a pleasant voice and the ability to comfortably stand at the ambo. Training will be provided.
Children's Choir: This ensemble is comprised of children in the 3rd through 6th grades. They serve on the Holy Days and special occasions throughout the year, providing musical leadership in worship and facilitating the participation of the entire congregation. The choir rehearses weekly on Tuesday evenings from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in the choir room and gathers 30 minutes prior to the Mass for which they are singing for warm-ups.
Instrumentalists: The instrumentalists are invited to enhance the worship at Mass through their talents and gifts, with or without the presence of the choir. They serve on Holy Days and special occasions. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:45 PM. Contact Russell Bolduc for rehearsal dates.