Service/Community: Deacon Chuck Turner -
281-482-1391 or
Social/Activity: Mike Stuart - 401-524-0700 or
Meeting Time: Periodically as needed
Meeting Location: Mary Queen Catholic Church
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. (Matthew 18:20)
The Men's Ministry will have a positive impact on the Mary Queen Community through prayer, service and social activities.
All men of the community are welcome to share their time, talent and treasure through service, prayer and social activities that help build up the community of Mary Queen. All men of the parish ages eighteen and over are automatically part of the Men's Ministry which seeks to provide for the spiritual, social and ministerial needs of all adult males of the parish, single and married. A key objective of the ministry is to encourage men of the parish to become engaged in its life and mission by participating in some way in its varied ministries.