Debbie Hasty - Hope Lutheran Church
Meeting Time: Once a year in the spring
Meeting Location: Mary Queen Retreat House
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:39)
The Meals on Wheels Ministry shares the love and mercy of Christ by delivering a hot noontime meal Monday through Friday to homebound people in Friendswood. Mary Queen is one of nine churches that share in the ecumenical ministry bringing joy to the community.
Our volunteers must be able to drive and be able to lift containers, walk up stairs and deliver meals to the homebound in the Friendswood area.
Drive and deliver up to sixteen meals one day every nine weeks.
Once a year our ministry gets together for an annual meeting, usually in the spring.
Meals on Wheels requires twenty volunteers plus a number of substitutes to operate for a week every nine weeks.
NOTE: Our director is Debbie Hasty (Hope Lutheran Church) - 281-482-7943. Debbie handles all requests to put people on the routes.