Adult/Youth Lectors: Deacon Chuck Turner
Meeting Time: As Needed
Meeting Location:Church
Indeed the Word of God is living and effective sharper than any two edge sword penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
We celebrate the presence of God in our midst in Word and in Sacrament. Additionally, we are created to be "hearers of the Word".
Lectors assist during the Liturgy of the Word by proclaiming the first and second readings. The Lectors also join the opening procession raising the Book of Gospels through the Assembly and placing it on the altar. During Holy Week, additional Lectors are needed to assist in proclaiming the Passion Narrative.
If you wish to understand more about Scripture, the Sunday readings and the various Feast and Holy Days throughout the Church's Liturgical Year, a good place to start is through becoming a Lector.
Each Lector is provided a helpful workbook which provides succinct talking points for each week's reading. The workbook provides help with pronunciation of words and other oral speaking tips. It also provides easy to understand historical background to enhance your understanding of each reading and its connection to other scriptural passages of biblical themes.