Gabriel Project


Stephanie Hermes


Meeting Time: As needed

Meeting Location: Mary Queen Parish Center


Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.
(Jeremiah 1:5)

Mission Statement

Responding to Jesus' call to "love your neighbor"; we support mothers in need in an unconditional and non-judgmental manner. Jesus tells us how the Good Samaritan does not pass by and look away from the person in distress, but shows compassion and mercy and commands us to, "Go and do likewise."

Ministry Description

The Gabriel Project helps mothers and their babies who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy or in a crisis situation. The Gabriel Project provides practical help to women who might not otherwise choose life for their unborn babies or support and encouragement to women who have already chosen life and just need a helping hand or spiritual support.


  • Annual baby shower to collect items to be given out to mothers throughout the year.

Volunteer/Service Opportunities

  • A Gabriel Angel is the hands and feet of this ministry. They support the mother's choice for life through prayer, ongoing friendship, material support and encouragement.

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