Andrew Mambretti
Meeting Time:
Once a month, September to February.
Once a week, March and April.
Meeting Location: Mary Queen Parish Center
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)
Plan and conduct the annual Parish Festival to build fellowship, community and stewardship.
This ministry includes the following committees: Chair/Co-Chair, Food, Games, Bingo, Auction (Live and Silent), Advertising, Reverse Draw, Sponsorship and Logistics.
Each committee typically has 2 to 4 people who share in the responsibilities of achieving the committee's goals and organizing volunteers. There are various opportunities to assist committee members individually and as sub-committee leads.
Planning usually starts in September and concludes with the Festival in May.
The Parish Festival, the first Sunday in May.
The success of the festival depends on volunteers. Volunteering is a key to the festival mission of building community and fellowship. Volunteer recruitment occurs through committee members, bulletin announcements, announcements at Mass, sign-up sheets, etc.